Currently Accepting Clients

Currently Accepting Clients

We help cool people sell cool stuff on Shopify.

Top-notch Conversion Rate Optimization Services for your Shopify Store.

Currently Accepting Clients

We help cool people sell cool stuff on Shopify.

Top-notch Conversion Rate Optimization Services for your Shopify Store.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.

No team swapping. 🤝

Work directly with one dedicated team. No team switching or frequent agency turnover. Same team on every project.

Work directly with one dedicated team. No team switching or frequent agency turnover. Same team on every project.

Cool products & cool people. 😎

We only work with exciting, fun, & growing brands that are a fit for our services. We are extremely picky with who we work with.

We only work with exciting, fun, & growing brands that are a fit for our services. We are extremely picky with who we work with.

Practice makes perfect. 🏀

20+ years combined experience managing hundreds of experiment programs. We know what we're doing, and how to do it effectively.

20+ years combined experience managing hundreds of experiment programs. We know what we're doing, and how to do it effectively.

No locked in contracts. 🔓

Month to Month only. It's our job to prove our value and keep you happy… not to lock you into long contracts.

Month to Month only. It's our job to prove our value and keep you happy… not to lock you into long contracts.

We are not an agency.

We're a small group of friends who work on lots of projects together.

No team swapping. 🤝

Work directly with one dedicated team. No team switching or frequent agency turnover. Same team on every project.

Cool products & cool people. 😎

We only work with exciting, fun, & growing brands that are a fit for our services. We are extremely picky with who we work with.

Practice makes perfect. 🏀

20+ years combined experience managing hundreds of experiment programs. We know what we're doing, and how to do it effectively.

No locked in contracts. 🔓

Month to Month only. It's our job to prove our value and keep you happy… not to lock you into long contracts.

We are not an agency.

We're a small group of friends who work on lots of projects together.



Years Experience



Cruchwraps Eaten



Experiments Ran



Websites Tested

We're built different.

We're built different.

We get custom to figure out your companies unique needs. No one size fits all approach here.




High quality custom work

Innovative and creative solutions

Direct access to your team

Experienced e-commerce experts

No locked-in contracts

Classic Agency

Classic Agency

Classic Agency

Over worked and burnt out staff

Templated & generic services

Less flexibility & creativity

Constant fee increases, and upsells

Rotating team members

Longterm locked-in contracts

About Us⚡

About Us⚡

We're a group of friends with the perfect skills and expertise to take your Shopify store to the next level.

Testing Process

Testing Process

How we optimize that website yo!

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to swipe between.



Conduct Research

Conduct Research

Gather data on user behavior and identify areas for improvement to inform testing strategies.

Use analytics tools to track where users drop off, page load times, and click patterns, voice of customer data, etc...



Formulate Hypothesis

Formulate Hypothesis

Develop a theory on how changes could enhance user experience or conversion rates.

Example: IF we enlarge the 'Add to Cart' button, THEN conversion rates will rise, BECAUSE it makes purchasing clearer.



Design & Revise

Design & Revise

Design and mockup the experiment. You give feedback, we revise, then you give approval.

We design a mockup using Figma to give you a visual of the the experiment. Your team leaves feedback, then we revise.



Run the Test

Run the Test

Implement variations of web elements to see which performs better in controlled experiments.

Run A/B tests to compare the performance of different page layouts, product descriptions, or promotional offers.



Analyze Results

Analyze Results

Evaluate test results to determine the impact of the changes on user behavior.

Measure impact on conversion rates, average order value, or other KPIs for each test variant.



Report Insights

Report Insights

Summarize findings and recommendations in a report for stakeholders.

Prepare detailed reports outlining test results, insights gained, and recommended next steps for optimization.



No locked in contracts 🔓 - cancel any time.

Website Testing

Website Testing


5+ Minute Video Breakdown

Heuristic Analysis

Loom Video covering 1 page

Choose the URL you want reviewed


No credit card required

Businesses looking to get some quick CRO related feedback and testing ideas.

Review your Page

Audit & Consultation

Audit & Consultation


100 Point website audit

Covers all common areas

Home, cart, product, checkout...

1 Hour Q&A Call

CRO Expert Consultation

Companies with the team and tech to test on their own. Looking for direction.

Get your Audit

Website Testing

Website Testing


One-time 100 Point Website Audit

Research & Action-Plan

Experimentation Design

1 Monthly Strategy Call

2 Experiments per Month

Includes Software ($550 value)

Includes On-Site Implementation

This is the full experience. We ideate, build, and implement. Nothing needed but your approval.

Review your Page

Want a custom plan?
Or have a question?

Book a Meet 🗓️

Each Additional Experiment is just

Each Additional Experiment is just


  • Winning tests over and over and over again… Seriously, these guys know how the hell to CRO.

    Taylor Straley

    VP of E-Commerce

  • The perfect blend of frontend design and optimization paired with highly-skilled developer resources makes CampaignTrip the ultimate team.

    Ryan Tetrault

    President & CEO


Why do you close your books at times?

Why not just hire in-house?

Do you work on non-ecommerce clients?

Do you offer refunds?

Lift your conversions and have fun doing it. 📈

Lift your conversions and have fun doing it. 📈

You're already getting traffic… so we make sure that traffic is converting.

Getting started is easy.

Getting started is easy.

Check out our services or book a meet. Contact us if you have any questions.



No locked in contracts 🔓 - cancel any time.

Free Page Review

Free Page Review


5+ Minute Video Breakdown

5+ Minute Video Breakdown

Heuristic Analysis

Heuristic Analysis

Loom Video covering 1 page

Loom Video covering 1 page

Choose the URL you want reviewed

Choose the URL you want reviewed



No credit card required

No credit card required

Businesses looking to get some quick CRO related feedback and testing ideas.

Review your Page

Audit & Consultation

Audit & Consultation


100 Point website audit

100 Point website audit

Covers all common areas

Covers all common areas

Home, cart, product, checkout...

Home, cart, product, checkout...

1 Hour Q&A Call

1 Hour Q&A Call

CRO Expert Consultation

CRO Expert Consultation

Companies with the team and tech to test on their own. Looking for direction.

Get your Audit

Website Testing

Website Testing


One-time 100 Point Website Audit

One-time 100 Point Website Audit

Research & Action-Plan

Research & Action-Plan

Experimentation Design

Experimentation Design

1 Monthly Strategy Call

1 Monthly Strategy Call

2 Experiments per Month

2 Experiments per Month

Includes Software ($550 value)

Includes Software ($550 value)

Includes On-Site Implementation

Includes On-Site Implementation

This is the full experience. We ideate, build, and implement. Nothing needed but your approval.

Start Testing

Want a custom plan?
Or have a question?

Book a Meet 🗓️

Landing Page Service

Landing Page Service


1 Custom landing page build


Shop Functionality

Ideation & Concept

Analytics integration

UI Design with Existing Brand Guidelines

Tracking Setup (FB, GTM)


1 Free Split Test

Our landing pages help consumers understand who you are, what you sell, how it helps them, and why you're the best option on the market.

Start Testing

Each Additional Experiment is just

Each Additional Experiment is just
